12 Trends We Want To See Die In 2010

Trends, fads. We all love them. From Hula-Hoops to Yo-Yos. there are some memorable fads and others that we shudder at the memory of (eg. 80's hairstyles). So, those of us with the observant mind have complied a list of 12 trends from the late 2000's that should be dead and buried this coming decade.

"The late 2000's have given rise to some pretty annoying trends. Every new year brings the promise of change (no, not Obama's kind of change) and with 2010 right around the corner, we can only hope that some of the awful trends of the past few years stay in this decade. As the year winds to a close, let's take some time to examine 12 trends we hope to see die in the 2010. If you fell victim to any of these fads, then do us all a favor and slap yourself in the testicles -- and resolve to let them go tonight at midnight... [more]"

Bring forth the future, without us being hindered by tired and annoying fads!

~Epsilon out