Just to let everyone who posts here know, this week we are the feature blog on Frankie's Forums, so we should PROBABLY post some stories here. Just saying.
~Josef out
Feature Blog
Breaking Radio Silence
Hey guys (and girls... I'm not being discriminatory). I can't help but notice that nothing has been posted on here in over a week. It might just be that it's the holidays and lack of input from our friends means less posting. Or it might just be that everyone is on vacation, but you'd still think we would have more blogging activity on here :P
So, just to break the silence... Go ahead and leave a comment on how your holidays are going! We'd all love to hear and even catch up!
Anyways guys, enjoy your next few weeks before school.
~werewolf out
Bringing The Hammer Down
I'm new here, I guess. Just thought I'd, y'know drop by & introduce myself and stuff. So yeah hi.
I guess I should forewarn you though: Expect nothing big from me. Given my track record over at my other other blog, I won't be posting all that regularly. Especially since my computer died and posting from my iPod is a bitch.
So um yeah.
~Sledgehammer out
The Forums Are Online!
You can now talk about 'Just Keep Breathing', 'The Other Blog', 'The Chronicles of Doom', 'The Blog of the Sledgehammer', 'Oblique Evaluation' and 'Stéfan - 15 Years of Anguish' on the new forums! Visit them at http://frankie.freeforums.org/.
You can also talk about other things in the forums there. If you want something in there, don't hesitate to ask Josef.
~Stéfan out
Your Childhood Sucked
So much for seeing history realistically through rose-tinted glasses. Everyone, no matter how old, has a soft spot for a certain period during their childhood. For us, I suppose it was around 1997-2002 that we started to remember things fondly. However, although I hate to say it, our childhood sucked. Why? Look at the overwhelming evidence:
- The onslaught of boy bands and 'bubble pop' that dominated the American pop music industry for a short period in the late 1990's. Take vapid and commercial Aqua, *NSYNC, Spice Girls and The Backstreet Boys. The fact that they exist serves proof alone that music hit a new low after the spike in grunge and alternative music.
- September 11, 2001 refueled some well needed paranoia, public outbursts, xenophobia and poor stock market performance in Western society. It also was known as one of the darkest days in (very) modern history.
- I have a copy of Guiness World Records 1999. The largest television of the time was 50 inches long. VCR hadn't died out yet, nor had those garish Polaroid cameras. The best console on the market was the PlayStation (With games, I quote, "boasting state of the art graphics") and the... GameBoy Color. And everyone used... ugh... Windows 95.
- The public of the time paid millions, more than any other film then, to see a movie where there's people on a boat and it sinks and they die.
~Ryoke out
12 Trends We Want To See Die In 2010
Trends, fads. We all love them. From Hula-Hoops to Yo-Yos. there are some memorable fads and others that we shudder at the memory of (eg. 80's hairstyles). So, those of us with the observant mind have complied a list of 12 trends from the late 2000's that should be dead and buried this coming decade.
"The late 2000's have given rise to some pretty annoying trends. Every new year brings the promise of change (no, not Obama's kind of change) and with 2010 right around the corner, we can only hope that some of the awful trends of the past few years stay in this decade. As the year winds to a close, let's take some time to examine 12 trends we hope to see die in the 2010. If you fell victim to any of these fads, then do us all a favor and slap yourself in the testicles -- and resolve to let them go tonight at midnight... [more]"
Bring forth the future, without us being hindered by tired and annoying fads!
~Epsilon out
The Image Blogger's Best Friend
Ok, well it's not so secret anymore, and I'm tellin' you, don't leave it that way!
Now, most of you are regular photo uploaders to the Internet, whether it be to a blog, social networking site or even email. This has its many hassles, most notably time and bandwidth. So it's no surprise that someone has come up with a solution:
ENTER SHRINK PIC! "I'm tellin' you guys... you're gonna love me for this..."
The program itself hides lurking in the background, waiting unseen until you go to upload an image. As soon as you upload, whether it be dragging and dropping it or clicking through Windows Explorer, as soon as the file starts to upload this program kicks in and automatically creates a temporary resized version of your file and uploads it instead. Thus saving you time and bandwidth without you having to manually resize your image :D
The program can handle most image files and even has conversion to JPEG options, so you can set the size and quality of the image files at whatever you want. It certainly makes it easy for me when uploading files to deviantART and my Photo a Day blog!
So, now with all that extra time on your hands you can do other things... like comment on our blog :P See yaz around the net
~werewolf out
Holophonic Sound
Thanks to Trent for showing me this:
"These super clear audio files are called holophony (holophonic sound recordings) and are designed to be listened to with headphones for the best effect. They have been recorded with a dummy head that has two microphones, one in each ear. The shape of the head and ears are designed to be similar to a human head to most closely replicate real human hearing. It’s pretty incredible. Grab your headphones and have a listen. While the content itself isn’t that engaging, the sound effects will probably have you listening a second time. [original page]"
Is this the future of movies & music? Let me know your thoughts.
~Josef out
Warning: Frumans Rampant
Cloudy weather and rain is the ideal climate for Frumans. As such, the National Bureau of Meteorology has issued a class 9 Fruman warning along the Eastern coastline.
Readers are advised to follow these 5 pieces of advice in order to best defend themselves:
1) Do not approach a Fruman. It will kill you.
2) Do not feed a Fruman. It will kill you.
3) Do not talk to God. She will kill you.
4) If a Fruman offers you candy, eat it. It is safe, but run away or the Fruman will kill you.
5) Leave your doors open. A Fruman cannot enter an open house. It is written in the scriptures.
For our readers who would perhaps like to get into the mindset of a Fruman, in hopes of gaining a better understanding as to be more prepared, look no further than Stéfan - 15 Years of Anguish - an autobiographical blog written by Stéfan, a Fruman and now also a contributor to this blog.
Well it appears my post set the trend for signing off after blog posts (go me... :P). Remember to keep an eye out in this unseasonal Fruman infestation.
~werewolf out
The Ironic Mystique of Being Attacked By a Muffin
You don't? And you don't either, sir? But I assure you, this muffin fanfiction is of the highest quality! It has blueberries! And children being hurt! And jokes involving fecal matter! Everyone enjoys those types of jokes!
*Sigh* Well, I tried. If you, however, are one of the esoteric few in the upper echelons of life that truly appreciates classy fiction of the sort, I request you make haste to my blog.
There it is. In all it's two-post glory. Yes, I'm aware I'm openly advertising my blog in your face. So Ryoke out. Or whatever you do when you finish these types of posts. Fine, fine, I'll do it properly for the sake of consistency.
~Ryoke out
Test Yourself
2009 was a year of many things. The climate change conference in Copenhagen, the first African-American President was elected, and, perhaps most importantly, this blog was started :P
But how much of the year do you actually remember? Quiz time!:
"Have you been paying attention this year? Test yourself with the Sydney Morning Herald news quiz. [take the quiz]"
How much did you get? Epsilon got 13, while werewolf & I got a measly 5. Beat that, readers :P
~Josef out
Welcome to the... uh...
Welcome to the decade full of promise, from the rumours of Apple releasing the iSlate, a tablet computer, to a new actor taking up the role of The Doctor. 2010 is bringing all sorts of changes to the world around us.
We often enjoy to look back on the past and smile fondly at the Swingin' Sixties, dance to the music of the Seventies and shudder at the "fashion" of the Eighties. We remember the Nineties fondly and now we can look back on the... uh...
Noughties? *wince*
Seriously, who thought of THAT?
The BBC has a discussion on exactly that problem, as they too cast their eyes forward. Not only has this past decade gone without a decent name, but what will this oncoming one be called?
"... The first problem in the search to name the next decade is that the decade just past never really had one.
In 1999 and 2000, various terms were floated. The "twenty-hundreds" and the "Os" never hit the mark and the "double Os" and the "nillies" also sank without trace.
Only the "noughties" really gained any currency... [more]"
I'm warning you journalists. Come up with a stupid name like the 'Teenies' for this coming decade and I will rant. And you DON'T want that.
I'll be watching you (read my blog)
~Epsilon out